
The foundation is registered with the Dutch tax authorities as a non-profit organization (algemeen nut beogende instelling – ANBI). As stipulated in GXP’s charter, the foundation does not aim to make a profit. The foundation will use all funds that it generates to achieve its aims and goals as stipulated under Mission & Goals and Activities. In case the foundation is closed, GXP’s charter (art. 12 / 3) stipulates that the remaining funds will be used in accordance with the aims and goals of the foundation.

Registered in the Netherlands with KvK number: 62406264
VAT number: NL854805485B01
RSIN: 854805485

Please see links below (‘Jaarrekening ….’) for financial statements.

Jaarrekening 2015

Jaarrekening 2016

Jaarrekening 2017

Jaarrekening 2018

Jaarrekening 2019

Jaarrekening 2020 (concept)